“The Sacraments are the manifestation of the Father’s tenderness and love towards each of us”
Baptism cleanses people from original sin, incorporates them into the Church, and sanctifies them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Adults interested in learning more about the Church participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Anyone desiring baptism for themselves or for their child must be a registered member of Sacred Heart Parish. If you are just registering, you should be attending Mass at Sacred Heart at least six months prior to requesting the Sacrament of Baptism. If you are coming from a parish where you were a practicing member of that parish, a letter from the pastor stating that you are a practicing Catholic is all that is required.
Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 12:15pm. Parents are required to attend one preparation class. This session helps parents understand more fully the privilege and responsibility that comes with being a Catholic parent.
Classes are held the second Monday of every month.
Please contact the Rectory office at 314-837-3757 ext 224 for arrangements.
Click HERE for the Baptismal Registration Form.
Anyone desiring to be married at Sacred Heart by one of our priests or deacons must be a member of Sacred Heart Parish. If you are just registering, you should be attending Mass at Sacred Heart at least six months prior to requesting to be married here. If you are coming from a parish where you were a practicing member of that parish, a letter from the pastor stating that you are a practicing Catholic is all that is required.
Those who desire to be married are required to participate in our Marriage Preparation Program which takes about six months to complete. The first step is to meet with one of our parish priests before setting your date.
Weddings are held on Friday evenings at 6:00pm., Saturdays at 11:00am and at 2:00pm.
Please call the rectory office at 314-837-3757 extension 224 to schedule this meeting at least six months before your wedding.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation offers the forgiveness of sins, restores the gift of God's grace, and reconciles us with the community, inasmuch as our sins harm our brothers and sisters. Reconciliation is held every Saturday after 8:15 am Mass and 4:15 pm or by appointment with one of our priests. First Reconciliation is held each year for our second-grade students in our Parish School and our Parish School of Religion.
Eucharist is the center and heart of Christian life. Christians are fully joined to the Body of Christ in the Eucharist. The Eucharistic celebration is a holy meal which recalls the Last Supper, reminds us of our unity with one another in Christ, and anticipates the banquet of God's kingdom. Eucharist is celebrated daily at 7:00am and 8:15am during the week; at 8:15am and 5:00pm on Saturday and at 7:00, 9:00, 11:00am and 6:00pm on Sunday. For elderly and sick, a priest or Eucharistic Minister will bring Communion.
Preparation for children to receive their First Communion is part of our school program, our Parish School of Religion and part of our R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process. For students, the general time for receiving First Communion is in the second grade. The classes are designed to help enrich the student's understanding and experience of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Faith formation is offered through study, prayer, encouragement and the support of parents and teachers. Adults who are preparing for their First Communion are part of our R.C.I.A. and will receive First Communion at the Easter Vigil.
Our Confirmation Preparation Program is part of our school program, our Parish School of Religion program and part of our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) process. Candidates are invited to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation through study, prayer, service, witness and commitment. The candidates and sponsors participate in liturgies, meetings and retreats. They take time for faith sharing sessions so that both our youth and adults can examine how to be a witness for Christ in their everyday lives.
Confirmation is generally celebrated in the spring for our students. It is celebrated at the Easter Vigil for adults who participate in our OCIA process.
Please contact the rectory at 314-837-3757, ext 224 for more information.
The Sacrament of the Anointing the Sick is available for anyone who is in danger of death. It is also intended for those dangerously ill because of sickness or old age, for patients undergoing surgery, for elderly persons, even if they are not dangerously ill, and for children who are seriously ill. Please contact one of our priests to arrange for receiving the Sacrament.